Liberal Catholic, Mass
Our Altars are open to all. You do not need to be confirmed into the LCC or even change your religion. There are no barriers at any level - all are welcome equally.
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We use both the Liberal Catholic Church liturgy (Edition *) and our own Gender Neutral version. As we each learn more about the history of our liturgy, we find that there are good reasons for using both. We can even use the Tridentine Mass if it is felt necessary. From Prime in the early morning to Complin in the evening this beautiful liturgy can call our attention to joyful gratitude in our Creator and all creation. Focussed on a joy filled life lived in fullness and in the service of others, we are free to change aspects of the liturgy as our needs and understanding grow while retaining the original liturgy as a key foundation.
The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconcilliation, Holy Unction of the Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders all form key parts of our liturgy just as they do in other Christian denominations. If you wish to discuss any of the above, are interested in joining our community or are feeling a pull towards discerning a vocation of taking Holy Orders, please do get in touch.
As Independents following the Liberal Catholic tradition, we are a community of spiritually independent people exploring Liturgy, worship and interfaith dialogue with high principles but fewer canonical borders. We take Holy Orders very seriously, there are no shortcuts through the seminary process but the doors are open to all people of all ages in good faith and with a deep calling to love God through the love of all in creation. There are no bars to gender, race, sexual orientation or neuro-diversity so if you are feeling called to Holy Orders, we would love to hear from you.